Did you know? - Domestic Abuse
Did you know domestic abuse can happen to anyone of any
- Age
- Sex
- Culture
- Social class
- Religion/beliefs
- Lifestyle
Domestic abuse can happen to anyone, this can include any relationships and may involve other family members including children.
The types of abuse can include
- Financial
- Psychological
- Emotional
- Sexual
There is no excuse for it!
Are you a man afraid of someone you live with or someone you know?
Are you a woman afraid of someone you live with or someone you know?
Are you worried your children have been affected by what they have seen at home?
If you need urgent advice, please call 0300 020 2525. This number will be answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
If you are in immediate danger always call 999.
For more information please visit www/myharbour.org.uk
Thank you.
Published on 27 September 2023